
Excerpt From Telegram

"Anna and Chris Snow, the married couple behind the Black & White Grille in Spencer, opened Table Twelve Kitchen & Bar in West Boylston in August after renovations to space formerly occupied by Keepers Pub.

A second restaurant location always seemed doable, according to Anna Snow, who said the couple had looked to open another spot for a couple of years. "When the landlord of the West Boylston property contacted us, we were ready to commit to buying," she said.

Keepers Pub space had been empty for a while, and the Snows' takeover and renovations are pretty amazing. A new "pub lounge" seats 26 at bar and tables, with the main dining room having an additional 28 tables. Outdoor seating is seasonal.

Nicholas Wachewski, head chef at Black & White for eight years, is currently at Table Twelve until things settle in, said Snow, who is known to work the line at both restaurants and create menus with the chef."

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